All categories

Below you can find all categories and features from the Text-Utils website.


Decimal to Roman Numbers

The tool can be used to transform decimal to Roman Numbers.

JavaScript Object to JSON

The tool can be used to transform a JavaScript Object to JSON.


The online JSON to CSV converter can be used to quickly transform JSON to a CSV (comma-separated value) file.


The online JSON to XML converter can be used to quickly transform between these data types.

Roman to Decimal Numbers

The tool can be used to transform Roman to Decimal Numbers.


The online XML to JSON converter can be used to quickly transform between these data types.


Base64 Encoder / Decoder

This tool can be used to transform a specified input using Base64 encoding.

Hash Calculator

This tool can be used to calculate a hash (also known as Message Digest) from an input string.

ROT13 Encoder / Decoder

This tool can be used to transform a specified input using ROT13 cipher.

URL Encoder / Decoder

This tool can be used to encode or decode a URL transforming reserved characters.

Escape Tools

HTML Escape

This tool can be used to escape special characters with HTML entities.

XML Escape

This tool can be used to escape XML characters with its associated entities.


CSS Formatter

This tool can be used to format your CSS code input, transforming it into a more readable output.

HTML Formatter

This tool can be used to format your HTML code input, transforming it into a more readable output.

JavaScript Formatter

This tool can be used to format your JavaScript code input, transforming it into a more readable output.

JSON Formatter

The JSON Formatter can be used to convert JSON to one line or format it using a specified level of indentation.

SQL Formatter

The Online SQL Formatter can be used to quickly format SQL into a more readable output.

XML Formatter

This tool can be used to quickly format your XML (eXtensible Markup Language) data into a more readable output.


Extract numbers from text

This tool can be used to extract numbers from a given text input.

Remove numbers from text

This tool can be used to quickly remove numbers from a given text input.

Sort numbers

This tool can be used to quickly sort numbers from a given input.


Random Country Generator

This tool can generate random country names with options to filter by number of entries, letters, words, and also starting and ending letters.

Random Female Name Generator

This tool can generate random female given names with options to filter by number of entries, letters, words, and also starting and ending letters.

Random Male Name Generator

This tool can generate random male given names with options to filter by number of entries, letters, words, and also starting and ending letters.

Random National Capital Generator

This tool can generate random national capital names with options to filter by number of entries, letters, words, and also starting and ending letters.

Random NBA Player Generator

This tool can generate random NBA player names with options to filter by number of entries, letters, words, and also starting and ending letters.

Random NBA Team Generator

This tool can generate random NBA team names with options to filter by number of entries, letters, words, and also starting and ending letters.

Random Pokémon Generator

This tool can generate random Pokémons with options to filter by number of entries, letters, words, and also starting and ending letters.

Random USA Presidents Generator

This tool can generate random USA presidents with options to filter by number of entries, letters, words, and also starting and ending letters.

Regex Tools

Extract emails from text

This tool can be used to easily extract e-mails from any text type (CSV, HTML, JSON).

Extract URLs from text

This tool can be used to easily extract URLs from any text type (CSV, HTML, JSON).

Hashtag Extractor

The Online Hashtag Extractor can be used to extract hashtags from a text.

IP Extractor

Extract IPv4/IPv6 addresses from text (such as CSV, HTML, JSON, and more).

Remove Special Characters

The tool can be used to remove special characters from text.

Text Tools

Case Converter

This tool can be used to quickly convert your text between different cases.

Find and replace

This online tool can be used to quickly replace text in your data.

Remove Accents

This tool can be used to remove accents from a given input.

Remove Duplicate Keywords

The tool can be used to remove duplicate keywords from the given input.

Remove Duplicate Lines

This tool can be used to remove duplicate lines from a text.

Remove Emojis From Text

The tool can be used to remove emojis from text.

Remove Empty Lines

This tool can be used to remove duplicate empty lines from a text.

Remove Extra Spaces

This tool can be used to remove extra spaces from JSON or a regular text input.

Remove Line Breaks

This tool can be used to remove line breaks in your text, converting multiple lines into a single one.

Remove Lines Containing

This tool can be used to clean up your text input by removing (or keeping) lines that contain a specific string.

Reverse a String

This tool can be used to quickly reverse a given string input.

Sort text lines

Sort text lines according to the selected criteria: Alphabetically, Reverse or Random.

Text Counter

This tool can be used to count how many characters, words and lines a text has.

Text Upside Down

This tool can be used to quickly flip text upside down.

Web Tools

HTML to Markdown

The Online HTML to Markdown can be used to quickly convert your documents written in HTML into Markdown syntax.

Markdown to HTML

The Online Markdown to HTML can be used to convert Markdown syntax to HTML code.

Preserve spaces in HTML

This tool can be used to transform whitespaces and line breaks into HTML entities in order to preserve them.

Word to HTML

This tool can be used to convert rich text (such as Word) to HTML.