Text Tools Category
This category contains various tools in order to transform your text.
How it works?
Dealing with texts is a common day-to-day activity. Here you can find all the text utilities to help you in performing your activity much faster. This includes tools to remove duplicates, specific strings accents from a text, sort lines, remove line breaks, and many others.
Tools available
Case Converter
This tool can be used to quickly convert your text between different cases.
Case Converter
Find and replace
This online tool can be used to quickly replace text in your data.
Find and replace
Remove Accents
This tool can be used to remove accents from a given input.
Remove Accents
Remove Duplicate Keywords
The tool can be used to remove duplicate keywords from the given input.
Remove Duplicate Keywords
Remove Duplicate Lines
This tool can be used to remove duplicate lines from a text.
Remove Duplicate Lines
Remove Emojis From Text
The tool can be used to remove emojis from text.
Remove Emojis From Text
Remove Empty Lines
This tool can be used to remove duplicate empty lines from a text.
Remove Empty Lines
Remove Extra Spaces
This tool can be used to remove extra spaces from JSON or a regular text input.
Remove Extra Spaces
Remove Line Breaks
This tool can be used to remove line breaks in your text, converting multiple lines into a single one.
Remove Line Breaks
Remove Lines Containing
This tool can be used to clean up your text input by removing (or keeping) lines that contain a specific string.
Remove Lines Containing
Reverse a String
This tool can be used to quickly reverse a given string input.
Reverse a String
Sort text lines
Sort text lines according to the selected criteria: Alphabetically, Reverse or Random.
Sort text lines
Text Counter
This tool can be used to count how many characters, words and lines a text has.
Text Counter
Text Upside Down
This tool can be used to quickly flip text upside down.
Text Upside Down
Looking for something else?
In case you are looking for something else than this functionality, please let us know by contacting us. The most common requests will be made available (for free) once possible.